Friday, December 23, 2011

Captcha component with Securimage

Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on most any webserver as long as you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. Securimage does everything from generate complicated CAPTCHA images to making sure the code the user entered was correct.

Read More at this link 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Transparent DatePicker with jquery

We will create an extended Helper FormHelper, without Difficulty to add a calendar date picker style in jquery (

Read more article from this link

Sunday, October 23, 2011

CakePHP support in NetBeans

NetBeans is a very powerful development environment for many languages including PHP. With the release of its latest version, NetBeans announced full support for symfony PHP framework. NetBeans can also support many other PHP frameworks and libraries although it is not officially supported by NetBeans. This support needs some effort to enable some tools specially auto-complete, or intellisense, which saves a lot of time for developers.

Using CakePHP with Aptana

  • From the Window menu, select Preferences…, and then choose General > Editors > File Associations.
  • Add the appropriate file type.
  • Next to the File Types list, click the Add button.
  • In the New File Type pop-up window, type the appropriate file extension (e.g. “.ctp” or “.thtml”).
  • Click OK to add the New File Type to the List.
  • Associate the new file type with Aptana.
  • On the File Types list, select the file type that you just added.
  • Next to the Editor Associations list, click the Add button.
  • On the Editor Selection pop-up window, select the editor that you want to associate with your file type.
  • Click OK to add the editor.
  • The new is now associated with the specified file type.
  • Click OK to apply your changes and close the Preferences window.

CakePHP and Dreamweaver

  • Go to your Dreamweaver installation folder (let’s assume this is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3)
  • Open the configuration folder
  • Edit extensions.txt and modify the first line so THTML and CTP are present (comma seperated. It should look something like this: ,MASTER,THTML,CTP:All Documents
  • Edit the PHP files line in the same way. It should look like this: PHP,PHP3,PHP4,PHP5,TPL,THTML,CTP:PHP Files
  • Now browse to the DocumentTypes folder and open MMDocumentTypes.xml.
  • Do a ctrl-f search for “winfileextension” and modify the line to look like this: winfileextension=”php,php3,php4,php5,thtml,ctp”
  • Do the same for “macfileextension”: macfileextension=”php,php3,php4,php5,thtml,ctp”
  • Now go to your “Document and Settings” folder (found under your username e.g. “C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Application Data\Adobe\Dreamweaver 9\Configuration”
  • Edit “Extensions.txt” and add the same lines you added to the other extensions file.

CakePHP and Eclipse

To set up your version of Eclipse to read either file type, follow these steps:
  • Go to Window > Preferences > General > Content types
  • In the content types window navigate the tree to text > PHP content type
  • Click add
  • Enter *.ctp or *.thtml depending on what version of CakePHP you use. It might be best to add both – just in case.
  • Now navigate to Editors > File Associations
  • Enter *.ctp or *.thtml depending on what version of CakePHP you use.
  • Under “Associated Editors:”, select the PHP Editor and click Default.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

7 Best Shopping Cart Plugins For CakePhp

1. VaM Cart

Easy Installation.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization.
Unlimited Categories, Products.
CakePHP, MVC, Smarty.
Multi Language, Multi Currency.
Open Source.
Automatic Image Resize.
Product Reviews.

2. ShoppingCart plugin for CakePHP (techno-geek Shopping Cart)

Authors: Dean Sofer (ProLoser), Jesse Adams (techno-geek)

CakePHP plugin that handles the management of order data in the session. Useful for shopping cart CakePHP applications. Will be used in the Mocha Shopping Cart project brought to you by DualTech Services, inc.
3. cakecart

CakeCart is a shopping cart built on-top of the cakePHP framework. Currently in the pre-pre-alpha stage. Its purpose will be to allow anybody familiar with the cakePHP framework to customize and easily launch an e-commerce website. Currently has support and later scheduled to add in paypal and google checkout support.

To install: Import db.sql into desired database.
Change app/config/database.php
Configure app/config/cart.php
Configure at app/config/authorize.php
Access admin in /admin url and use username: and password: demo

4. bakesale Shopping cart

Made with the MVC Web framework CakePHP. Uses the jQuery JavaScript library, both for effects and AJAX.

Using the Plug-ins, the end-developer can simply add new functionality to BakeSale.

The application follows Web standards, using semantic XHTML markup with CSS-based layout.

5. CakePHP-Cart

This is an attempt to become the defacto solution for shopping cart implementation in CakePHP. Not to say this in of itself will be the best shopping cart around, but in fact give developers the resource to build their own custom shopping cart Application to their own specifications.

Hopefully future versions of the brother development app, ‘Mocha’ will use future releases of this plugin as a part of it’s core. For now this is a 1-stop plugin that provides you all the resources you need to build a cart and nothing more, allowing you to extrapolate from that point forwards.

[This Project is POSTPONED] e-junkie clone but more features provided to independent software and php script vendors. E-junkie is a shopping cart for downloadable goods. Built using cakephp.

7. kaching-php

Kaching is a shopping cart framework built as a CakePHP plugin. It is a platform developers can use create customized onlines stores.

Kaching came from a frustration of trying to use pre-built shopping cart systems that were hard to customized and locked you into doing it their way. They didn’t seem to understand that not all online stores fit into the same mold.

CakePHP was chosen to be the framework to build on, because frankly we think it’s pretty awesome.

Kaching is not for everyone. It is strictly for developer who want to build a online store and maintain full control of it. Kaching comes with a sample store, as a starting point and examples on how to use it. Then the rest it up to you.

From reading of the CakePHP groups, it is quite evident that there are lots of people trying to implement a online store using CakePHP. Kaching hopes that it can fill a gap where people don’t have to keep on starting from scratch when building their online store.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Introduction to CakePHP for newbies

David Golding has started to write an introductory book for CakePHP with the title “The newbie’s introduction to CakePHP”. As the title indicates, the book is aimed at newbies and so it covers the first steps with CakePHP. It is not completed yet, but I think it will become a great addition to the manual.

You can download a preview of the book as a PDF from David Golding’s website:

An Introduction to CakePHP

An Introduction
to CakePHP

Dennis S. Hennen -


How To Secure PHPMyAdmin and MySQL in Windows XAMPP Server

Visit for more information and for high-quality videos.
This tutorial shows a few ways to make your phpmyadmin and MySQL database server more secure on a Windows XAMPP web server. These same methods can be used on Linux and other Apache servers, but the directories will be different.
I explain how to use the Allow from directive, htaccess and htpasswd files, and the importance of using strong passwords for your phpMyAdmin access.

Tutorial: Ubuntu 10.04 - Eclipse (PHP) + CakePHP

Heute möchte ich euch zeigen, wie ihr unter Ubuntu Eclipse (IDE) installiert und dort das PHP Development Tool (PDT) nachinstalliert. Weiter erklär ich euch, wie ihr in den Cake Template Dateien (*.ctp) die PHP / HTML Syntax Highlighting aktiviert.

CakePHP 1.3 **Shared Hosting** Server Set Up & Configuration

In this tutorial, I cover the very basics of getting your CakePHP web site up and running on a shared hosting server account such as: GoDaddy, HostGator, etc...

CakePHP TV - Setting Up the CakePHP Console on Windows produced by gwoo

CakePHP TV - Setting Up the CakePHP Console on Windows produced by gwoo

CakePHP TV - Nick Baker -- Facebook Integration with CakePHP produced by webtechnick

CakePHP TV - Nick Baker -- Facebook Integration with CakePHP produced by webtechnick

CakePHP TV - CakePHP 1.3 - MEIO Image Upload / Resize & Gallery Tutorial produced by jasonwydro

CakePHP TV - CakePHP 1.3 - MEIO Image Upload / Resize & Gallery Tutorial produced by jasonwydro

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 14 - Migrations / Schemas

In this cakephp tutorial we use cakephp's schemas which work like ruby on rails's migrations. They allow us to manage our database using php instead of sql. You can download the sourcecode for this video at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 13 - Rss Feed

In this cakephp tutorial we generate a rss feed of all of our posts. You can download the source files for this video at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 12 - Baking Comments

In this Cakephp tutorial we use the bake script to finishing baking our blog by baking associated comments for our posts. You can download the source code at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 11 - Baking our Posts

In this Cakephp tutorial we use the bake script to bake our model, views, and controller for our posts table along with full crud actions. You can download the source for this video at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 10 - Setting Up the Cake Console and Bake

In this Cakephp tutorial we get the Cakephp cake console up and running so that we can use the Bake script. Available source code can be downloaded at (none for this vid)

CakePHP + JQuery (Sans Ajax)

Modification des inscrits d'une newsletter sans Ajax .
Application sous CakePHP .

CakePHP 1.3xx Search Form Query Plugin

In this tutorial, I go over all of the CakePHP code (in plugins, model, controller and view) to implement the CakeDC Search Plugin (w/ MySQL) & Sample-Search-Application (also by CakeDC). **NOTE**As far as I understand, this plugin is only working with the CakePHP 1.3xx release (based on the CakeDC requirements).

This tutorial will get you up and running to create a valid working MySQL query easily (with pagination!) within the parameters of the CakePHP framework using the above mentioned plugin and sample code.

Please feel free to post your questions and comments. I am glad to help : )

***Please make a donation to their project! It's a very useful plugin and will make your life easier when querying data is needed in your CakePHP app.***

Setting Up the CakePHP Console on Windows

This is a short screencast on configuring your windows environmen to run the CakePHP console shells from the command line.

Code Generation With Bake:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cakephp Auth Component Tutorial Part 3

This is a three part series in understanding the basics of using Cakephp's Auth component. You will need to watch all three videos as they build on to each other by adding more functionality to the application.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cakephp Auth Component Tutorial Part 2

This is a three part series in understanding the basics of using Cakephp's Auth component. You will need to watch all three videos as they build on to each other by adding more functionality to the application.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cakephp Auth Component Tutorial Part 1

This is a three part series in understanding the basics of using Cakephp's Auth component. You will need to watch all three videos as they build on to each other by adding more functionality to the application.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

CakePHP + JQuery (Avec Ajax) - 2

Galerie photos avec Ajax :
JQuery.js pour les actions Ajax,
JQuery.form.js pour l'interfaçage avec les formulaires,
Animatedcollapse.js pour l'effet d'affichage/cache des boites d'edition .
Jgrowl.js pour les messages d'informations .

Application sous CakePHP .

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 9 - Layouts

In this Cakephp tutorial we learn how to create our layouts, attach our own stylesheet, style some of the Cakephp generated html, and apply our own titles to our pages. You can download the sourcecode at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 8 - Validation

In this Cakephp tutorial we use Cakephps' model validations to validate our data before it's saved to the database. You can download the source code for this video at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 7 - Using the Delete Method and Clean up

In this Cakephp tutorial we'll be using the models delete method to delete posts. We also clean up our blog interface by adding some additional links throughout our views. You can download this videos source code at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 6 - Editing Posts

In this Cakephp tutorial we learn how to edit posts. This video builds upon the methods learned in the Part 5. You can download the source code at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 5 - Using the Save Method: Creating New Posts

In this Cakephp tutorial we cover how to create new posts for our blog. We use the models save method as well as a few other methods for sending flash messages and redirecting and we use the form helper for creating forms. You can download the source code at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 4 - Using the Read and Html Link Methods

A tutorial for building a blog using the Cakephp framework. In this video we used the model's read method as well as the html link helper method. You can download this videos source code at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 3 - Using the Find Method

This is a tutorial using cakephp for building a blog. In this tutorial we use the model's Find method for retrieving all data from the database. You can download the source files for this tutorial at

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 2 - Naming Conventions

A tutorial for building a blog using the Cakephp framework. This tutorial covers the naming conventions for files and classnames as well as the cake url's.

Cakephp Blog Tutorial Part 1 - Installation

A tutorial for installing the Cakephp framework in preparation of my Cakephp blog tutorials. Source files for future videos will be able to be downloaded from my website at

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cake Bake On Mac OS X

Learn how to set up paths on a mac for the cake bake tool

the contents for the .profile

export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin/:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/:/Users/you


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sluggable Behavior - Generate Unique Slug

On the web, “slug” is a short text used in a URL to identify and describe a resource. Sluggable behavior is cakephp model behaviors that allow us to generate unique slug. Sluggable Behavior who created by eberfreitas is a simpler version of Mariano Iglesias’ Sluggable Behavior with a few add-ons. It’s basically the same thing but instead of implementing all the slug logic on the behavior, it just uses Cake’s Inflector::slug() method. With CakePHP 1.3, this method is really powerful and flexible.

To use it, just place the behavior file on the proper place (/app/models/behaviors/)and call it on the model you want to “slugify”:

var $actsAs = array('Sluggable');

To use it, just place the behavior file on the proper place and call it on the model you want to “slugify”: var $actsAs = array(‘Sluggable’); By default, this will automatically create slugs from a field named “title” and place it under a field named “slug”. If you want, you can customize everything. Checkout the configuration keys:

var $actsAs = array(
'Sluggable' => array(
'fields' => 'title',
'scope' => false,
'conditions' => false,
'slugfield' => 'slug',
'separator' => '-',
'overwrite' => false,
'length' => 256,
'lower' => true

CakePHP TV Introduction Promo One